...but I'm not the only one. Some people say they never dream when they sleep, and I've read that isn't true: Everyone dreams many times every night (the average dream lasting only 3-5 seconds) but we remember so few (or none) of our dreams because they're sent straight to our short-term memories. Unless you do something like write the dream down or share it with a friend to transfer the information to your long-term memory, that dream is gone and you may never remember having it at all.
I've done a lot of thinking and even a little writing about dreams over the years--what dreams mean, why I always have the same ones, how to avoid really scary ones...I wonder if this is a topic that is interesting to you? I've heard that it's really fun for us to talk about our own dreams but it isn't all that fun for everyone else listening? I'm not sure anyone really wants to know about my recent dream regarding my neighbor in the buff drinking coffee in his backyard or the one where I'm sorting through tornado rubble in only a towel. :)
I have a couple of recurring dreams, meaning dreams I have had several times throughout my lifetime, and I have to say they are mostly bad, or at least very uncomfortable. I often dream that I am still in high school and I have a volleyball game or track meet to go to and I'm not ready. I've either forgotten my uniform or shoes or I can't remember going to any practices beforehand to train. I haven't played high school sports for 20 years...why would this keep showing up in my subconscious? Another dream I've had a lot (although not in quite a while, now that I think of it) is that my teeth are really chalky and they're crumbling out of my mouth, or they're all loose and if you tapped one they'd all fall out in a sort of domino effect.
I've read that you're likely to have nightmares if the room you are sleeping in is very warm and if you sleep with your arms above your head...I wonder what conditions make for more pleasant dreams? Do you think that what you have in your head right before you fall asleep will come out in your dreams, or do the littlest things from earlier in the day somehow pop up? Do you think you can control your dreams? I have a friend who is into "astratravel," which is, very simply, being able to will yourself to go places in your dreams. She said she could think about checking in on her cousin before she fell asleep and then she'd dream something about her cousin that would let her know how she was doing. She also told me that if you ever see yourself in your dreams, like you're looking down at yourself from above (in video games isn't that the third-person view?) instead of seeing the dream through your own eyes (like first-person in video games?) that you have astratraveled without even trying. Interesting...
I hope you've also done some thinking about how dreaming can play into the writing process. Please post a brief but thoughtful comment on this post answering one or more of the following:
...a recurring dream you have
...the worst dream you've ever had
...the best dream you've ever had (PG-13 or tamer :) )
...what you think causes dreams
...books you've read about dreams or dreaming
...if you think dreams are symbolic or have deeper meaning
...what you found in the dream interpretation books
...if you think astratravel or lucid dreaming is possible
...your daydreams or your dream day chart
...your dreams for your future
...if you dream of being a professional writer
...something else connected to dreams?
Sometimes during track season I have dreams where I am trying to run but my legs will only move in slow-motion.
ReplyDeleteI think it can be kind of difficult for everyone's dreams to be translated in the same way, but looking to books or the internet usually offers me some basis of understanding depending on the symbol. I love the purpose that dreams serve, at least in personal experience. I've always believed that they all hold at least a grain of truth/sense and a lot of my artwork is inspired by my dreams or at least the dream state.
ReplyDeletemost of my dreams are reoccurring or at least there's a reoccurring theme. many times i am trying to run, trying so hard to run, but i can't figure out how. i have no momentum or my legs won't move and the harder i try, the more i end up just falling over. i've read that this might be because i'm feeling trapped, which i would have to agree with. my life sometimes makes me feel claustrophobic.
ReplyDeleteBefore school starts every year I begin to have a few dreams about the first day of classes. I dream of not knowing where my classes are or being late by a large amount of time. It is basically my school fears being shown in my dream, because I never like not knowing where I'm going or not being where I need to be at the right time. Especially, because I worry about my perfect attendance constantly.
ReplyDeleteA reoccurring dream that I often have is a dream about the houses that hobbits live in. There are no hobbits involved in this dream, but I often dream about the houses. All the other details of the dream escape me though.
ReplyDeleteI have a recurring dream every month that my brother and I are in elementary school and we take my parent's blue ford explorer out for a ride even though we can't drive and we end up having to run from dinosaurs. My brother disappears with the car and leaves me every time so every month I have to try and find a way to hide and not get eaten. Last week I took a train but the railroad was gone. I've had these dreams for as long as I can remember.
ReplyDeleteOne thing about my dreams is that I have like, these precognitive dreams that have something to do with the future, whether it is days, weeks, months, or even years. I had one about my boyfriend dumping me for a freshman in my sophomore year, and it happened just a few months later. I've also had ones about just random daily and mundane activities. Sometimes they'll occur in daydreams, but those are less often.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was younger I used to have a recurring dream of someone calling my name and waking me up in the middle of the night. As I began to wake up more the yelling would become louder and by the end of the dream it was silent.
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ReplyDeleteMost of my dreaming happens 20 minutes before I fall asleep. I dream about people I wish I knew better, things that never were, and how things could or should be. I convince myself that if I dream long and hard enough, then it will come true- as if I could dream something into being.
ReplyDeleteI have a reoccurring dream of running away from/being chased by something but the thing or person I'm running from is different every time and sometimes I don't even know what it is.
ReplyDeleteI have a reoccurring dream of running away from/being chased by something but the thing or person I'm running from is different every time and sometimes I don't even know what it is.
ReplyDeleteI've never actually had a real nightmare, so my worst dream ever isn't really all that bad. My freshman year I had a really big crush on this girl who ended up moving away, but I had a nightmare where I saw her holding hands with a super goofy looking guy in the hallway. I was honestly so scared that I woke up with my heart pounding.
ReplyDeleteI know lucid dreaming is possible because I have done it before. It takes a lot of work; I kept a dream journal and wrote down my dreams for a year. It is not easy to achieve, and if you have a lucid nightmare it can be terrifying. I don't lucid dream as much as I used to, but because of my lucid dreaming my dream-recall is very good so I remember a lot of my dreams. Dreaming a an exclusive hobby of mine; I don't really talk about it.
ReplyDeleteI believe that dreams are the subconscious thoughts that our conscious mind cannot comprehend. They are the backlog of information that we shut down during the day. The irrational fears that come hand in hand with the unquenchable desires.
ReplyDeletei have this dream thats almost like extremely vivid hallucinations all terrifying but mostly colors and shapes flashing and chasing me. most of the time im helpless and paralyzed in this one
ReplyDeletei have this dream thats almost like extremely vivid hallucinations all terrifying but mostly colors and shapes flashing and chasing me. most of the time im helpless and paralyzed in this one