Thursday, February 4, 2016

Maker Project: Dream Catchers

As a part of our discussion about dreams and how they can relate to writing inspiration and processes, let's try to create dream catchers in class this week and next!  

Dream catchers have been a part of Native American and other cultures for many years.  You can read a little bit about them here or do your own research.  This, on the other hand,  appears to be something different... :)

To prepare, when you have some time, take a look at some online tutorials and do some thinking about what you'd like yours to look like. Click here and here and here and here for some ideas.

These are certainly not the only ones--feel free to do your own search.  You'll be using a tutorial of your choice to create your dream catcher during class.

I will provide the hoops, basic supplies, and a few embellishments.  If you'd like to or are able to get your own supplies to really customize your dream catcher, please do so and bring them to class tomorrow.

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