Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Thanks for sharing

Finish and polish your Object-Inspired Piece today and be sure that it:

  • has a creative title (something more than Object Piece...) and that you have 
  • included at least one image (ask me how to do this if you don't know)

While you're at it, it would also be nice if your "I am..." poem had a title (I am... is fine) and an image.

Please make these updates first thing.  If you'd like to, you could also include a brief Author's Note at the beginning or end of your post indicating where you got the idea for your story or which object inspired your piece.  That's optional.


You all worked so hard on your object pieces--I'd like for you to take some time today to see what your classmates have come up with.  When you've finished your piece, check the sidebar of the class blog and click on the blogs of some of your classmates.

Read your classmates' Object-Inspired Pieces and leave a comment with 3 specific, supportive and complimentary remarks regarding the piece and how it was written.   Nothing critical or suggesting changes at this point...

Include a greeting at the beginning of your comment (like "Hi, Taylor!) and a brief statement of encouragement at the end of your comment (like "Thanks for sharing this!" or "I look forward to seeing more of your work.")

Go beyond a short, generic comment and get specific. As in:  "You really got me with that twist at the end--I would have never guessed it was her sister stalking her all along.  Creepy!"  Or:  "Your use of dialogue was effective and pulled me into the story.  I never thought a conversation between a little boy and his baseball could sound so natural."  Don't cop out and put a rushed, generic comment like, "It was good" or "Nice job."   You can also leave a comment on their "I am..." pieces, too, if you have time.

We'll be moving on to a new theme this week (COLOR!)...

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