Friday, January 15, 2016

Inspired by Objects

"One very important aspect of motivation is the willingness to stop and to look at things that no one else has bothered to look at.  This simple process of focusing on things that are normally taken for granted is a powerful source of creativity..." ~Edward de Bono

Please post a new piece of writing on your blog inspired by our look at found objects.  Please spend time to come up with at least 500 words (you can type on Word for a word count then copy and paste if you want to).  Also, add at least one image today (click on the icon on the tool row that looks like a photo--I can show you how, just ask).  Be creative and take this assignment in whichever direction you choose:  fiction, narrative, poetry...You may come up with a finished product today or maybe just a good start on something you revisit and finish up on Tuesday when we'll be back in the lab--this piece will be due at the end of class that day.

Some options:
  • use one of the objects in the photo above that we passed around during class Tuesday (expand on one of the ideas you jotted down in your journal)
  • use one of the objects you found on our walk around campus and the park (you could even steal someone else's object)
  • use one or several of the objects you cut out of the magazines Monday
  • go back to one of the objects you shared with everyone those first days of class or something someone else shared
  • write about something you thought of when we looked at the articles about important objects from history via the V & A Museum, the 101 Things that made America from the Smithsonian, the website auctioning off thrift store items along with writing about them...
  • P.S. Here's a link to more information about the 3D printing technology we talked about--scroll to the video at the bottom--this whole idea both fascinates and baffles me and the gun "printed" out makes me think of lots of things to write about)
  • you can make a story up or you can write a story that is true
  • you could be inspired by a combination of these objects
  • the object itself may or may not end up in your writing

I left a comment on your "I am..." poems and I've given credit for those in the gradebook. I'm still missing a couple of blogs functionally linked on the sidebar of this class blog.  If you don't see yours there and/or operating properly, please check in with me.  

When you finish your piece (due at the end of class on Tuesday, 19 January), you can continue to customize your blog page with gadgets in the sidebar, an interesting background, updated profile info, etc.  Be sure you've figured out how to add images--they are an important aspect of your blog and will accentuate your writing.  I can also show you how to put in links like I did (all the purple words above).  It's really easy.

Thanks for making class so pleasant so far!

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