Monday, January 11, 2016

Stealing authentically

It's been a real pleasure getting to know you all these firstfew days.  I hope you are enjoying our class.  I have been quite impressed with your creativity and willingness to try new things here from the very start, and I look forward to seeing all that you come up with throughout the semester. 

I wanted to gather my thoughts and give you a preview of some of the other ideas I'd like us to consider and be inspired by over the next 15 weeks, all in keeping with Jarmusch's idea that it's more than okay to use everything around you to get ideas, that it's not where you get the idea but where take it. 

I'm organizing in terms of "themes" (rather than genres) and have a variety of activities connected to each to get you started on pieces of your own making.  Here's what I'm thinking (perhaps in this order or with some adjustments):

Writing inspired by:

  • Objects
  • Color
  • Art
  • Dreams
  • Books
  • Music
  • Food
  • Childhood
  • Photos
  • Films
  • Gifts

Leave me a comment here if you have an idea or something you'd like for us to study or try.

Thanks again for being such wonderful people to end the day with...

XO Mrs. Fraser

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