Tuesday, March 1, 2016

First 2 pieces to send to our Chinese Friends...

This assignment will allow us to exchange our creative projects with students in a writing class like ours in China.  You will send your Object-Inspired piece and include with it a Letter of Introduction, a brief self-portrait in words and pictures.  This will provide your Chinese reader with a glimpse of who you are and an understanding of why and how you wrote about the object you did.  Remember, you are giving your Chinese reader a glimpse of yourself as an American high school student, and you are also modeling your writing. 

For the Letter of Introduction:
  • Your letter will include a brief personal introduction and should be around a page of writing single-spaced.  
  • You could begin your letter with "Dear Reader" or simply, "Hello!"
  • You can include information about your family, friends, hobbies, events in your life that shaped who you are, your hopes and dreams, your goals for the future, what a typical day is like for you…whatever makes you who you are.  
  • Write in a way that is comfortable and creative but also keep in mind that you might need to make certain accomodations for your readers to understand.
  • You should also include a picture (or several) to give your reader a glimpse of you and your life.  Add a caption under your pictures, too, please, explaining who/what/where/etc. is pictured.

For the Object-Inspired Piece:

  • Your heading for your significant object piece should include your full name, your email address, the name of our class (KHS Creative Writing), and the date. 
  • Your piece should have a creative title and be double-spaced.
  • Your piece should be polished and proofread for errors.  
  • You should also include an image of your object.
  • Please add a brief Author's Note at the beginning or end of your piece explaining the assignment, the object you chose, where you found it, whether your piece is fiction or not, how you got the idea, etc.  Put the note in italics.

Please save your Letter and your Object-Inspired piece in ONE GoogleDoc file and share it with me (hfraser@sps.org) no later than the end of class on Friday, 4 March. 

I will send our work to Kevin on Friday so that he may share it with his students at Qingdao when they begin classes next week while we are on Spring Break.  You will be receiving response letters via email from Kevin's students, who will carefully read, ask questions, make connections, and write about what surprises them and what they’d like to know more about.  They will also use your writing as a model to compose their own pieces and send them back to you.  We’ll see where it goes from there! 

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